Auto Renewal
The Belmont Public Library aims to make your life easier by automatically renewing the items you have checked out beginning June 1, 2021.
No longer will you need to manually renew eligible items before they are due. Borrowed items will be renewed automatically one or two days before the due date, with some exceptions.
Items won’t be renewed if:
- Another patron has requested it
- The item reached its maximum number of renewals
- Your account is blocked due to billed items or fines of $10 or more
- The item is a digital item, such as an ebook or audiobook
You will continue to receive reminders for overdue items. Items borrowed from other libraries are included in this service but are subject to the renewal policies of the lending institution.
When will my item automatically renew?
The system will attempt to renew your borrowed item two days before the due date. If unsuccessful, you will continue to receive notices about due dates or overdue status, and you may try to renew again any time before you return the item.
How will I know if my item was renewed?
You can check your due dates:
- Via your courtesy notices
- Via your online account
- With a staff member during library hours by calling the library at (603) 267-8331.
- At the desk inside the library's main entrance
If your item was eligible for renewal, your new due date will be calculated based on the original due date. For example, you can borrow a movie for 7 days. If the movie was originally due on January 1, the new due date when it renews will be January 7.
If you have opted to receive email notices, the courtesy message that is sent two days prior to the original due date will display the new due date for eligible items and the original due date for ineligible items.
Can I try to renew my ineligible items after an unsuccessful attempt?
Yes. The system will automatically attempt to renew your borrowed item two days before the due date. If unsuccessful, you may try again any time before you return the item.
(If another patron’s hold prevented your item from renewing, and was subsequently cancelled or filled by another copy after the system’s automatic attempt, you may manually renew the item at a later date.)
Why didn’t my items renew?
Items won’t be renewed if:
- Another customer has requested it
- The item reached its maximum number of renewals
- Your account is blocked due to billed items or fines of $10 or more
- The item is a digital item, such as an ebook or audiobook
Can I opt out of the auto-renewal feature?
No. If you do not wish to keep the item for longer, you are welcome to return items at any time.
What will the library do to encourage others to return items?
The library still requires that our customers return items on time and in good shape so that the entire community will benefit. These changes will make it easier to be responsible and for customers to keep the items they enjoy for longer.
In addition, customers with an item 30 days overdue will be billed for the replacement cost and will be unable to check out or renew items until resolved. Customers will still be held financially responsible for lost and damaged items.
What are the benefits of this feature?
This feature will save you time and give you peace of mind. You will no longer receive a bill for items that are eligible for renewal. Automatically renewing two days before the original due date ensures that you will have time to return items that are ineligible for renewal before they are overdue.